Policy review, public engagement materials, and program development supporting the Nunavut 3000 Housing Strategy for Nunavut Housing Corporation and Silo Strategy Inc. (2023-2024). Researcher on National Research Council Canada Arctic and Northern Challenge grant (2023-2024, $50,000)
Developed and delivered a microcredential course on affordable housing for Cape Breton University (2023)
Conducted a policy review on smart transportation innovations for Institute for Research on Public Policy (2023). Expert Insight No. 52: The New Mobility Era: Leveraging Digital Technologies for More Equitable, Efficient, and Effective Public Transit.
Conducted a study on equitable transit-oriented development for Infrastructure Canada: jurisdictional review. Policy paper: Ren Thomas Urban Consulting & Research. (2022). Exploring the Potential of Using Infra-Housing Links to Incentivize Deeply Affordable Housing in Canada. Ottawa: Infrastructure Canada.
Reviewed and revised an affordable housing development RFP for Develop Nova Scotia (2022)
Conducted a study on housing options for adults with autism for Autism Nova Scotia and Compass Co-operative Homes, including literature review and interviews with policy makers, service providers, and developers. White paper: Ren Thomas Urban Consulting & Research. (2022). Searching for a Framework: Co-operative Housing and Autism Supports. Halifax: Autism Nova Scotia, Compass Co-operative Limited.
Hosted a webinar, interviewing author Conor Dougherty for BC Non-Profit Housing Association (2020)
Conducted a study on youth housing models for Phoenix Youth Programs, including descriptive statistical analysis, a survey with housing providers, and interviews with youth. Research report: Ren Thomas Urban Consulting & Research. (2020). Phoenix Bedrock Project: Housing for Youth Research and Modelling Study. Halifax: Phoenix Youth Programs.
Wrote a policy paper with Dr. Matti Siemiatycki on equitable transit recovery post-COVID for Infrastructure Canada (2020)
Wrote a policy paper on equitable post-COVID recovery in cities for Federation of Canadian Municipalities (2020)
Developed pre- and post-surveys for the Town of Bridgewater pilot transit project (2017)
Conducted a study on social enterprises in affordable housing, including a jurisdictional review and interviews with social enterprises and their funders. Research report: Thomas, R. (2012) Innovation in Canada’s Social Economy: Social Enterprises in Affordable Housing. Toronto: Canadian Policy Network (CP-Net), Housing Services Corporation, and Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
Developed program evaluation framework, including focus group guides, interview guides, surveys, and research plan, for Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver (2011)
Developed program evaluation framework, including focus group guides, interview guides, surveys, and research plan, for BC Non-Profit Housing Association. Research report: Eberle, M., Thomas, R. and Salmon, A. (2012) Does Affordable Aboriginal Housing Have a Beneficial Impact? Collaborating on an Evaluation Framework. Vancouver: BC Non-Profit Housing Association.
Developed research tools (surveys, interview scripts) and wrote reports for Mustel Group Research reports : Mustel Group. (2007) 2007 BCAA Travel Study, (2007) South of Fraser Area Transit Plan Phase II Study, (2007) City of Vancouver Composting and Grasscycling Study. Research Report.
Wrote material for Housing and Homelessness Knowledge Transfer Project for Social Planning and Research Council of BC. (2006)
Conducted background research, writing, and editing for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Research reports: Grammenos, F. and Thomas, R. (2005) Residential Street Pattern Design and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. (2004) Landscape Guide for Canadian Homes/L’aménagement paysager chez soi–Guide canadien Ottawa: CMHC.
Developed web content for the Active Transportation Knowledge Network for Federation of Canadian Municipalities (2003)