Fifteen years of housing research and three years working at CMHC has effectively convinced me that we need radical changes to our housing system in Canada. Research on the Nova Scotia non-profit housing situation, and continued contact with co-op and non-profit housing organizations in British Columbia has shown me that there are jurisdictions who are stronger in this sector. What can we learn from other jurisdictions to expand our sector in Nova Scotia?
This project is funded by the Dalhousie University Sabbatical/Special Leave Grant “How do we want to live? Innovations in Housing Systems” (2022-2023, $8,200) which will provide honorariums for interviews in BC, Alberta, and Quebec, as well as the UK, Denmark, and the Netherlands, where there is considerable expertise in this sector. The project was initiated during my sabbatical year (July 1, 2022-July 1, 2023).